Date | Mar 1 | Total matches | 7 |
Men's matches | 6 | Women's matches | 1 |
Singles matches | 4 | Tag Team matches | 2 |
Trio Matches | 1 | Other Matches | 0 |
This episode of AEW Collision took place on March 1, 2025 and featured 7 matches on the card. A majority of the matches ended by pinfall, submission, or the rules stipulated by the match, but 1 match had no clear winner. Only one championship, the AEW TNT Championship, was defended on the card.
The matches featured 22 wrestlers and 4 tag teams, highlighted by Daniel Garcia, Will Hobbs, Bandido, Queen Aminata, Shawn Dean, Carlie Bravo and Lee Moriarty.
Somewhat Predictable
(4 of 7 Matches)
Usual Singles
More Tag
More Mens
Usual Womens
Balance of Power
Faces won the card with 4 wins (of 7 matches).
(Heels won 2 matches)
Men's Tag Team |
1-0 (Last 5: 1-0) Win Probability: 64.2% |
0-1 (Last 5: 0-3) Win Probability: 35.8% |
Women's Singles |
1-3 (Overall: 1-3, Last 5: 1-4) Win Probability: 12.5% |
3-3 (Overall: 3-3, Last 5: 2-3) Win Probability: 87.5% |
Men's Singles AEW TNT Championship |
Champion 3-1-1 (Overall: 3-5-1, Last 5: 1-3-1) Win Probability: 63.2% |
0-1-1 (Overall: 4-2-1, Last 5: 3-1-1) Win Probability: 36.8% |
Match ended in a No Contest |
Men's Three on Three Tag Team |
(Combined Overall: 3-6, Last 5: 3-12) |
(Combined Overall: 0-3, Last 5: 0-3) |
Men's Singles |
2-2 (Overall: 2-2, Last 5: 3-2) |
0-1 (Overall: 0-1, Last 5: 0-1) |
Men's Singles |
1-2 (Overall: 4-4, Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 48.1% |
0-1 (Overall: 0-1, Last 5: 0-2) Win Probability: 51.9% |
Men's Tag Team |
1-0 (Last 5: 1-0) Win Probability: 52.1% |
0-1 (Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 47.9% |