Date | Mar 15 | Total matches | 10 |
Men's matches | 7 | Women's matches | 3 |
Singles matches | 6 | Tag Team matches | 2 |
Trio Matches | 1 | Other Matches | 1 |
Sacrifice took place on March 15, 2025 and featured 10 matches on the card. All of the matches ended by pinfall, submission, or the rules stipulated by the match. Multiple championships were defended on the card, including the X-Division, Knockouts and Knockouts Tag Team Championships.
The matches featured 36 wrestlers and 4 tag teams, highlighted by Moose, Masha Slamovich, Jody Threat, Dani Luna, Dana Brooke and Heather Reckless.
Somewhat Predictable
(6 of 10 Matches)
Less Singles
Less Tag
Usual Mens
Usual Womens
Men's Five on Five Tag Team Steel Cage |
(Combined Overall: 22-8, Last 5: 16-7) Win Probability: 62.8% |
(Combined Overall: 6-16, Last 5: 4-12) Win Probability: 37.2% |
Men's Singles Ladder Match X-Division Championship |
Champion 3-0 (Overall: 4-2, Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 64.6% |
0-1 (Overall: 5-2, Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 35.4% |
Women's Singles Knockouts Championship |
Champion 4-0 (Overall: 5-2, Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 52.3% |
2-1 (Overall: 3-1, Last 5: 3-1) Win Probability: 47.7% |
Men's Singles |
2-0 (Overall: 2-0, Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 46.4% |
5-1 (Overall: 5-1, Last 5: 4-1) Win Probability: 53.6% |
Women's Tag Team Knockouts Tag Team Championship |
2-2 (Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 25.0% |
Champions 2-1 (Last 5: 4-1) Win Probability: 75.0% |
Men's Singles |
2-1 (Overall: 5-1, Last 5: 4-1) Win Probability: 32.7% |
3-1 (Overall: 3-1, Last 5: 4-1) Win Probability: 67.3% |
Men's Three on Three Tag Team Lucha Rules |
(Combined Overall: 9-10, Last 5: 6-9) Win Probability: 34.5% |
(Combined Overall: 2-6, Last 5: 4-6) Win Probability: 65.5% |
Women's Singles |
3-0 (Overall: 4-0, Last 5: 4-0) Win Probability: 52.5% |
2-1 (Overall: 2-2, Last 5: 3-2) Win Probability: 47.5% |
Men's Singles Street Fight |
2-0 (Overall: 2-0, Last 5: 2-0) Win Probability: 82.4% |
0-3 (Overall: 0-4, Last 5: 0-5) Win Probability: 17.6% |
Men's Tag Team |
1-2 (Last 5: 2-3) Win Probability: 51.4% |
0-1 (Last 5: 0-1) Win Probability: 48.6% |